Good Pets

About the Client:

Good Pets is a pet shop specializing in dogs and cats. The store goods range from basic necessities to enrichments. They also have a strong stance on improving animal welfare throughout the country.

Scope of Work:

Brand Creation, Logo, Mock-Up
In the development of the "Good Pets" brand, Quatro Creative Studio aimed to encapsulate a universal ethos where the concept of "good" transcends conventional pet care. By envisioning it as an international pet food company, we sought to create a brand that aligns seamlessly with a pet owner's lifestyle, emphasizing the notion that goodness is a holistic choice woven into every aspect of pet companionship.

Our design process was driven by the belief that a brand should communicate a narrative, not just a product. The result is a conceptual brand that reflects the interconnectedness of pet well-being and the broader lifestyle choices of pet owners. Although "Good Pets" is currently a concept and not implemented in real life, it stands as a testament to Quatro Creative Studio's ability to envision and articulate brand identities that transcend the ordinary.

Explore the outcome of our creative endeavor below,
showcasing the intersection of creativity and strategic branding in the conceptualization of "Good Pets."